- TitelEvaluation of alternative extensometer designs and methods : desk study report for Regio Deal Bodemdaling Groene Hart project 44
- Auteur
- Opdrachtgever
- Projectnummer11206020
- Plaats van uitgaveDelft
- Uitgever
- Jaar van uitgave2024 (jun.)
- Pagina's34 p.
- Illustratiesfig., ref.
- Materiaal
- Digitaal document
- Onderwerp
- Geografisch trefwoord
- Beschrijving
This report presents a desk study into possible alternative extensometer designs and approaches. Focus is on monitoring of subsidence processes in (Holocene) soft soils. The intent of the study is to provide input for installation and testing of an alternative extensometer at one of the RDBGH monitoring sites. The desk study, therefore, focuses on aspects like costs, performance, durability, and complementarity of capabilities relative to the currently used design at the RDBGH sites. The study involved review of literature and internet search.