- TitelMarismas Nacionales scoping study : contribution
- Auteur
- Opdrachtgever
- Projectnummer1210380
- Plaats van uitgaveDelft
- Uitgever
- Jaar van uitgave2015 (Dec.)
- Pagina's13, [42] p.
- Illustratiesfig.
- Materiaal
- Onderwerp
- Geografisch trefwoord
- Beschrijving
The Marismas Nacionales, Mexico, is an expansive set of coastal and riverine wetlands and associated communities and farmlands. Its mangroves encompass well over 100,000 hectares of mature and productive mangrove forest. With increasing pressures, the Marismas Nacionales region would benefit from an overarching plan that aims for integrated sustainable use of natural capital while optimizing water use, fisheries and agriculture practices to improve human wellbeing, alleviate poverty, support livelihoods, and conserve ecosystems. Forest Trends has requested Deltares to contribute to a scoping study that focusses on the information needs to support a master planning process aimed at the restoration and conservation of Marismas Nacionales unique values as well as to support future decision making towards its
sustainable use. This report distinguishes three steps: 1. Initial reflection on information needs to develop an integrated model ; 2. Follow-up search for altitude and bathymetry data and outline options for a hydrological/hydrodynamic model as basis for a decision support system ; 3. Description of an integrated approach to the master planning process.